Amanda "Mandy" Teefey is 38 years old (born April 16, 1976).
She is the mother of Selena Gomez, born in 1992 to Amanda and then-husband Ricardo Gomez.
She married Brian Teefey, Selena's stepfather, in 2006.
She is the mother of Selena's half-sister Gracie Teefey (born June 12, 2013).
Amanda "Mandy" Cornett (born April 16, 1976) married Ricardo Joel Gomez in 1992, when she was sixteen. Selena was born on July 22, 1992. Mandy divorced Gomez in 1997, and her second marriage was to Brian Teefey (Selena's stepfather) on May 18, 2006. Selena's half-sister Gracie Teefey was born June 12, 2013.
NO WAY.......... course not why would her mum be dead
No her mom's name is Mandy Teefy.
She is not pregnant and her mom was pregnant at one time
no selena gomez is just named after selena quintanilla :)
Not Old At All, maybe two years
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy Teefey remarried in the year 2006 not in a very old age.
Selena Gomez's mom was 16 when she gave birth to Selena and now Selena is 16 and now her mom is 32 (It's True!)
She Was 16 ;)
selena gomez
When her mom was 16 years old.
They divorced in 1998 when Selena was 5 years old. Selena Gomez's mom and dad divorced in 1997 when Selena was 5 years old.
Selena Gomez needs to tell the truth to her mom.
Selena Gomez's Mom got a Miscarry
2 years old
Selena Gomez is not. But her mom is.
Selena Gomez was born when Amanda Cornett was sixteen years old. She was very young to have Selena. So she is 33.July 22 1992 when she was 16
Selena Gomez's mom is not mexican. just her dad.