How much money do Americans spend on Movies? well over $10 billion in 2009 ... but how many attend movies?..... an ever declining population in the wake of record ticket prices
well nobody really knows for sure but the Twentieth Century Fund, which has undertaken exhaustive research in the economic aspects of recreation, indicates that an estimate of 40 billion dollars per year for total recreation expenditures in the United States could easily be supported.
how much money women get pay
He makes about 10 million or somethin .. i dont know exacly but i know that he is one of the richest guys in the world .. i mean come on look at his biogrophy he has a lot of movies !!
125.000K a year
4m an year
To muchuhType your answer here... to much
How much money a year is spent on chocolate?
How much money is spent on magazines each year?
how much money is spent on laxatives a year in USA
the average money spent in a year by teenagers in the UK is £64700
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how much is spent on animal testing a year
how much money is sent to prison a year
2 $
On average, about 3,000 dollars a year is spent on hand sanitizers.
The average amout of money spent on laundry detergent is 200 dollars per year.
about 2000
$1,000,200,655 a year.