Chris Martin was born on March 2, 1977
20 million
As of 2013, Roland Martin is a journalist that was born on November 14, 1968 in Chicago, Illinois. As of July 2013, Roland Martin is worth around $2.2 million.
Chris Martin was and is still married to Gwyneth Paltrow.
they are both brothers and they do look like twins but martin is actually one of the episodes of zombobmafoo chris did not have his wedding ring on.but martin did........o.O -
MLB player Chris Martin weighs 175 pounds.
NFL player Chris Martin weighs 305 pounds.
The lead singer of Coldplay is Chris Martin.
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No, Chris Martin is not single.
not much
Chris Martin
Chris Martin's kids' names are Apple Martin and Moses Martin.
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Chris Martin was born on March 2, 1977
Chris Martin is the lead vocals of Coldplay. His wife is famous because she is married to Chris Martin.