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Base price is $49,980 - wikipedia doesn't say how much the Supercharged is. It is such an awesome car.

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Q: How much is a Ariel atom?
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When was the Ariel Atom built?

The Ariel Atom was first displayed to the public October 1996 .

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It dependes on wich one you liked more. My opion is the Ariel

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The v8 Ariel Atom.

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He asked me "what is an atom?" And I replied, "it's a model of car built by the firm Ariel."

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The Ariel Atom V8, or so was posted by Gizmodo in September, 2010.

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MLB player Ariel Pena weighs 239 pounds.

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MLB player Ariel Pena weighs 239 pounds.

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5 times