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July 22, 1992 (age 19) but this year she'll be 20

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12y ago
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13y ago

Today is 11/8/11 and Selena Gomez is 18.

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12y ago

i think she's 19

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13y ago

She is 18 she is turning 19 in July 22nd

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13y ago

Selena gomez is now about 19 years old

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no Selena's mother had her at the age of 16

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No, Selena's Mother Became Pregnant With Selena At The Age Of 16.

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Selena Gomez has no siblings, and was raised by her mother from the age of 5 after her parents divorced.

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"haha no i am not pregnant, and i won't be pregnant for a while." -Selena gomez

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yes, Mandy did give birth to Selena at the age of 16.

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No they have an age differnce Ross Lynch is 16 & Selena Gomez is 20

Where did Selena gomez start singing?

Selena Gomez mostly sang at home, around the age of 5 and above.

At what age was Selena Gomez famous?

When she was 17

What age is selena gomez dad?

he is 31