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What is Sarah Cov necklace worth

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Darlene Lombardi

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โˆ™ 4y ago
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Can covariance be negative?

I'd be inclined to say no, Im looking for the answer myself. But if you have Cov(A-B,A+B)=Cov(A,A)-Cov(B,B)-Cov(B,A)+Cov(A,B), then the last two will cancel but if Var(B)>Var(A) then we would get a negative covariance. [Cov(A,A)=Var(A)] So it looks possible because as far as I know there is no squaring of the coefficeients when you bring them out of the covariance so a negative answer is entirely possible.

How many syllables are in the word covered?

There are 2 syllables. Cov-ered.

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As of July 2014, the market cap for Covidien plc. (COV) is $40,173,045,363.00.

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any insurance company that offers regular medicare cov can offer a disabled person cov.

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cov eh chuss ness

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Suppose that you have simple two variable model: Y=b0+b1X1+e The least squares estimator for the slope coefficient, b1 can be obtained with b1=cov(X1,Y)/var(X1) the intercept term can be calculated from the means of X1 and Y b0=mean(Y)-b1*mean(X1) In a larger model, Y=b0+b1X1+b2X2+e the estimator for b1 can be found with b1=(cov(X1,Y)var(X2)-cov(X2,Y)cov(X1,X2))/(var(X1)var(X2)-cov(X1,X2)2) to find b2, simply swap the X1 and X2 terms in the above to get b2=(cov(X2,Y)var(X1)-cov(X1,Y)cov(X1,X2))/(var(X1)var(X2)-cov(X1,X2)2) Find the intercept with b0=mean(Y)-b1*mean(X1)-b2*mean(X2) Beyond two regressors, it just gets ugly.

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hmmmm mmmmm mmm mm

How many syllables does the word covered have?

Two. Cov-ered.

Where do you put the stress mark of the word discover?

dis COV er

How many syllable in coverage?

There are three syllables. Cov-e-rage.