No, David Copperfield does not have any kids.
The cast of A Message from David Copperfield - 2011 includes: David Copperfield as himself
The most famous David Copperfield is a magician.
David Copperfield was born on September 16, 1956.
The novel David Copperfield was written by Charles Dickens.
David Copperfield is 60 years old (born David Kolkin, September 16, 1956).
David Copperfield's nanny's name was Peggotty. She was a devoted and caring woman who played a significant role in David's life in the novel "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens.
About 1/5 of a million a day.
David Copperfield - 1913 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
"David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens has 64 chapters.
in 1876