An article in TV guide lists the following as earning per episode for each actor:
Jeremy Piven $350,000
Kevin Dillon $200,000
Adrian Grenier $200,000
I read in Variety that he makes $75,186.28 an episode for Entourage. That is an estimate of course.
Neighbours is a great show, and I work on it. I get $1000 month.
Jeremy Pivens- 350,000 per Ep. Adrien Grenier- 200,00 per Ep. Kevin Dillion-200,00 per Ep.
Sreaw you
how much do actors earn a week
Some of the actors on Generations earn as much as R500 000 a year. Newer actors typically up to R2 000 per episode, while more established actors earn up to R10 000 an episode and more.
The cast of Entourage Indie - 2010 includes: Thomas Gofton as himself James Golden as himself
The cast of Mind Erasers - 2012 includes: Joshua Berwald as Entourage Paulo Cardona as Body Guard Andre Congo as Entourage Ashley Copeland as Entourage Nancy Couture as Entourage La Crecia Pearson as Entourage Michael DellaPolla as Entourage Sheldon Faure as Entourage Ottavio Lobefaro as Ochel Don Frederick Nah IV as Fred Berry Jabre Relaford as Entourage Jose Rosales as Body Guard Kris Valeriano as Agent Lee Kavi Vu as Agent Chang
I read in Variety that he makes $75,186.28 an episode for Entourage. That is an estimate of course.
Neighbours is a great show, and I work on it. I get $1000 month.
The cast of Tiny Entourage - 2008 includes: Joe Childs as Drama Christina DeRosa as Alex Pancho Moler as Turtle Mark Munoz as Eric
No currently Entourage is not a movie. Their is a tv show named Entourage though.
AnswerToo much. Although actors could possibly range from 30,000 to anywhere in the millions if your talking about big time actors!
The vast majority of actors do not earn enough from their work as actors to live on; most actors actually live on income earned from other jobs.