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In my local area we have more than ten pit bulls at the Humane Society right now and they cost anywhere from $140 to $275 depending on age, if they don't get adopted they might get euthenized.

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How much do Pittbulls coast?

they cost up to 9,650

What country did pittbulls come from?

♥Pittbulls came from America♥

Why do people think pittbulls are not intteligent?

because pittbulls have killed alot of people and they can somtimes be hard to train

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Where are pittbulls from?

Puerto rico

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Are Pittbulls allowed in Puerto Rico?

No. They are illegal.

What do pittbulls protect?

Your front & back yard.

How long do pittbulls stay on their peiriods?

13 years

Why are pittbulls looked down apon?

Because they are so short.

What do pittbulls eat?

A good name brand of dog food.

What eats pittbulls?

A good name brand of dog food.