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Depends on the level of profession. If you want a song played everywhere, known by everyone, dream on.

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Q: How much does it cost to hire a song writer?
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How much training do you need to be a song writer?

Answering "How much training do you need to be a song writer?"

Does the writer of lyrics own them?

Yes the person who wrote the song owns the song until he or she wants to sell it. and say if an artist likes the lyrics then they pay the writer to sort of hire the lyrics as there is and then if the writer agrees to giving them the song lyrics for them to sing then they can use it to sing but when it gets played on the radio etc the writer gets the money, well at least a lot more then then artist because its there song.

How much does a guitarist make a song?

If he is a writer then he writes whole song :) it depends how creative he is

How much does a song writer earn for a number one single?

Regardless of whether or not the single is number one, the song writer usually earns 50% of the royalties.

Who sang the Addams family theme?

They didn't have enough money to hire singers so Vic Mizzy (writer of the song) recorded his own voice.

Who was the song writer for the song back to December?

The song writer was Taylor Swift.

You are a song writer but you have no one to write the lyrics what should you do?

Hire a lyricist.Although frankly, unless your lyrics are really terrible, there's no reason why you shouldn't have a go yourself.

Is lil Wayne a song writer?

He is both a song writer and a singer.

How much does a song writer makes?

no set amount; depends on the marketability of the songs

Who is the writer of the song will you be there?

Micheal Jackson of course he is a great song writer but he raped kids

If you buy a song from itunes for your ipod how much does it cost per song?


When did Thomas Chisholm - song writer - die?

Thomas Chisholm - song writer - died in 1960.