Well depending on how doo of the signers are they will generally get an agent and the agent will book them gigs and the singers will split the money the get from the gigs and the salery will very beetween gigs!
Same as the regular barbershop:bass, baritone, lead ,tenor,
A group of four musicians or singers are called a quartet. A group of five musicians or singers are called a quintet.
mindless behavior which they is a quartet
Cheryl Pruitt was Miss America 1980. She was a gospel singer, which is how she met her husband. He was a part of the famous Blackwood Brothers gospel quartet.
There are 4 singers in a quartet. A quartet is an organized group of four singers or players. Just like there are 4 quarters in a dollar.
The cast of Camerata Quartet - 1958 includes: Valerie McKenzie as Herself - Singer
4 people make a quartet acording to......ME
Quartet grossed $49,323,093 worldwide.
Quartet grossed $18,388,357 in the domestic market.
Bill Days has: Played Singer in Chorus in "A Night at the Opera" in 1935. Played Quartette Member in "This Is My Affair" in 1937. Played Quartette Member in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" in 1938. Played Sportsman Quartet Member in "Isle of Destiny" in 1940. Played Gorilla Singer in "Africa Squeaks" in 1940. Played Singer in "Jingle Belles" in 1941. Played Singer in "The Nifty Nineties" in 1941. Played Member - Sportsmen Quartet in "For Me and My Gal" in 1942. Played Singing Ranch Hand in "Lost Canyon" in 1942. Played Off-Screen Singer in "Margie" in 1946. Played Member of The Sportsmen Quartet in "Make Believe Ballroom" in 1949. Played himself in "The Jack Benny Program" in 1950. Played College Student in "The Jack Benny Program" in 1950. Played Flying Finnegans in "The Jack Benny Program" in 1950. Played prtsman Quartet) in "The Jack Benny Program" in 1950. Played Member of The Sportsmen Quartet in "Footlight Varieties" in 1951. Played Member of The Sportsmen Quartet in "Walking My Baby Back Home" in 1953.
You cannot get an accurate answer for this. You need to specify what singer
they make about 2 million a year
Same as the regular barbershop:bass, baritone, lead ,tenor,