A acting agent should never be paid for signing. They however should receive 10 to 15 percent of the amount the actor or actress receives for any role they got them.
Most of the time, tes you do but there is sometimes a very RARE time when someone can get on T.V. without an agent.
Study Drama most of your life and then go to a prefroming arts school/college, and get an agent. (my advice) x
He over act's .. He is good (skill wise) in his wrestling ablity but his acting suck's ball's and he need's to work on it ...To much OVER acting in my opinion
They get payed around 10% percent of your earnings, no more, no less
You shouldn't have to pay for an agent to get signed. If an agent wants your child, Then they'll sign them. And then when you get work, the agent will get 10% from your child's earnings.
A real acting agent will not charge an up front fee for representing an actor. Most agents don't get paid until the actor gets paid and their earnings are usually around 10 percent of all the actors take home pay.
the case of a store manager acting as an agent for the owner of the store. The store manager wants as much pay as possible for as little work as possible, and the store owner wants as much work from the manager for as little pay as possible.
nothing. they usually get paid from wat u make during a show or movie.. if an agent tells u to give them money and promises u you will land auditions it is a scam.. Never pay for an agent unless its training. But not for an agent.
Start with local theatre seriously! then do some research on agents, and acting coachs. if you get an agent you won't have much more to worry about.
Acting agent can be found through online or physical directories. Someone can always contact an acting agent and book an appointment or look at the scheduled auditioned dates.
How Do you Get an Agent for Acting In Ireland ? Because i am interested in acting but you don't get much opportunity's in Ireland. Please Help or if you no any acting tips/ideas please answer !? x
By reference from an instructor at your acting school
The best way to an acting job is throgh an agent. An agent is the best way. Once you have an agent they'll hook you up with an acting job.
well it really depends on what you mean by that like if you want to try out for movies and series on tv you dont IF you are a model but if its not for that then yes
Auditions shouldn't cost anything! Its if you want to get an agent that's when you have pay but they only take money off you when you earn money otherwise money ain't an issue.