The cast of "Moonshiners" gets paid a whopping $30,000 per episode. This does not include the other money they receive for their memorabilia and guest appearances.
Effy is returning for series 4 of skins, but in series 5 she and the rest of the series 3/4 cast will leave to make way for a new group of characters
$1500 per episode. They also get back end bonuses.
How much does David Letterman get paid?
They get paid seal skins and polar bear fur
About $180,000 an episode.
To much
$500 a show
Cast of real world makes 75,000 per episode.
Nobody knows how much the cast has been paid for any movies. But, knowing how extremely popular the first three have been, and how much hype is going on about Breaking Dawn, easily millions of dollars.
Yes some of them will but only the first party! Yes some of them will but only the first party!
The cast of "Moonshiners" gets paid a whopping $30,000 per episode. This does not include the other money they receive for their memorabilia and guest appearances.
$10.00 to $14.95