The Survivor reunion show is built into the contestants contracts from the beginning of the season. The only reason a contestant wouldn't show up for this would be due to pregnancy, illness, or a death in the family. All contestants receive $10,000 for appearing at the live show.
bragging rights
Do all of the participants get paid
500k a show
Les makes about 6-8 million every year from survivor man
They receive 1,000,000 (USD).
She was officially declared 3rd place, which has a prize of $85,000. She also received $10,000 for appearing on the live reunion show.
Yes, there have been over ten thousand contestants on the show since the Alex Trebek version started over 25 years ago on September 10 1984. The number of contestants is even greater and the original contestants much older if you include all Jeopardy games from the Art Fleming versions of Jeopardy which began over 45 years ago on March 30 1964.
This is still up for debate. Many of the contestants look promising, however, we won't be able to tell too much until the merge.
It varies depending how long they last on the show. The longer they last the more they get paid. They also get paid for doing publicity, charity, tv shows, etc after the show.
American Reunion grossed $235,385,481 worldwide.
The Survivor Series 4 goes at $12.96 at
American Reunion grossed $56,758,835 in the domestic market.
bragging rights
Madea's Family Reunion grossed $63,308,879 worldwide.