They make 21,000 per episode season 1, and that doubled to 42,000 season 2 source not verified
It is so loud, sometimes it can break the membrain in your ear and make them bleed.
how much does the turtleman make per episode
She is said to have made $500,000 per episode
40000 per episode
well if it makes a pop noise get rid of it fast
The hosts of the television show Impractical Jokers earn approximately $20,000 per episode. Their exact earnings are not public information.
because it is moving fast and the motor is working hard
Fast, deep and usually with alot of touching and feeling x
They make 21,000 per episode season 1, and that doubled to 42,000 season 2 source not verified
DO NOT Make quick, fast movements. You want to stay calm. Loud noises might scare them off.
It is so loud, sometimes it can break the membrain in your ear and make them bleed.
It can make you nauseous, it can make you go deaf if it is to loud and it can cause your body and organs to vibrate. Loud enough and it can kill.
you can make a loud noisy by screaming or throwing something heavy around
not loud at all it doesn't make a sound
Guys may make fun of another guys legs because they are jealous.