The 2010 thriller movie "Buried" has made $19, 152, 480 at the box office. It is a film directed by Rodrigo Cort̬s and produced by AdriÌÊn Guerra and Peter Safran. The release date was September 24, 2010 in the U.S. and October 1, 2010 in Spain.
10 dollars and 73 cents
The average price for a movie ticket in 1982 was $2.94.
about $55 000 no, it actually cost 37 million to make.
How much o the tickets cost.
To make the movie it cost 56 million, and they mad enough to pay the debt.
How much dis it cost to make the movie longest yard
$150 million
$110 million.
10 mil
The Fighter (2010) cost $11 million.
About £3.50 as the movie is rubbish :)
$80 million budget
753,000 US dollars