To transform her physique for the Terminator 2 movie, Linda Hamilton took part in a 3 hour a day, six day a week intensive training regimen. At the end of her training program, she weighed 112 pounds, could perform 85 pound bench presses and run for eight miles.
30 million
Aaron Neville sang the duet with Linda Ronstadt " I Don't Know Much, But I Know I love You"
How much dose peter kay weigh
How much does eva mendes weigh?
They both weigh 300 lbs
About 400-600 kg.
110 pounds
NBA player Jordan Hamilton weighs 220 pounds.
NBA player Justin Hamilton weighs 255 pounds.
NHL player Curtis Hamilton weighs 206 pounds.
NHL player Dougie Hamilton weighs 199 pounds.
NHL player Ryan Hamilton weighs 230 pounds.
NHL player Freddie Hamilton weighs 195 pounds.
How much is a pocket terminator
5' 7"
NFL player Adrian Hamilton weighs 255 pounds.
NFL player Cobi Hamilton weighs 205 pounds.