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i read somewhere he can bench over 400 i assume he can bench like 425 or something like that

actually, he himself has stated that he can only bench press 315 for two reps, so his one rep max is only slightly above that. In his words, he trains like a bodybuilder, not a powerlifter. He goes for the bulk and the pump of large muscularity, but not necessarily the strength that one would assume that he has by looking at him. My guess is that he stays within the stereotypical 8-12 reps. But over 400 was a good guess, and if i didnt know what he said, i probably would have guessed the same...

what he said in the book was him and china was lifting and after a workout they both benched to 315 and that 2 is only what he did, im sure his one rep max is much higher ive watched videos of him reping 315 more then 2x

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16y ago

Lou Ferrigno, famous bodybuilder and TV and movie star could bench press 560 lbs. at his peak at age 25. More recently he has bench pressed 400 lbs. in 2001 at age 50.

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13y ago

455lbs for 5 reps on incline

455lbs for 5 reps on incline

Probably 500lbs max.

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15y ago

Hulk Hogan bench pressed 555 lbs. I dont believe this number. as with everything else in Pro Wrestling, it is an exaggeration. Drop it by 100 pounds and it becomes much more believable...

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13y ago

Max: 675lbs

In gym: 475lbs

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14y ago

as much as he wanted to

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