Fred and George are apparently two years older than Ron. This is proven by how when Ron was a first year (in Sorcerer's Stone), Fred and George were third years.
12 (Victoire, Dominque, Louis, Molly, Lucy, Fred, Roxanne, Rose, Hugo, James, Albus and Lily.)
Arthur and Molly Weasley have seven children. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny.
No, Dean Thomas doesn't die in harry potter. Although many loved characters do: Dumbledore, Dobby, Snape, Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Colin Creevy, George's Ear and many more. RIP
A famous impressonist of the 19th century. worked alongside with many influential artists. She was a well known Italian clothing designer...
George Eastman had two older sisters. One of his older sisters was in a wheelchair from polio and died when George was only 16 years old.
22 years older.
He doesn't have to be older.
George Clooney has one older sister named Adelia.
Four: Percy, Fred, George and Ron.
I will be dead. But younger people will be 44 years older.
he had three brothers two younger brothers and one older that was his step brother.
How many years older than person is.
Thirteen years.
6: Ron, Fred, George, Percy,Charlie, and Bill.
Fred Hollows wasn't actually a scientist. Even though he studied opthalmology for many years he was considered a doctor.