Rowland Lockey was born in 1565.
Earl of Cardigan was created in 1611.
Conrad Gessner died on December 13, 1565 at the age of 49.
Claudia Colla died in 1611.
Henry Walters was born in 1848.
It is unknown because his date of birth and his date of death are not recorded.
The month that Henry Hudson was born is not known. It is estimated that he was born circa 1565 in England and that he died in 1611.
there are 1.565 liters in 1565 ml
King James version was published in 1611
The dates of Henry Hudson's birth and death are not certain, but it is believed he was between 40 and 50 years old in 1611, when he presumably died along with his son when they were set adrift in Hudson Bay by mutineers. It is possible that they were killed instead. The best estimate is 45 to 46 years old (born 1565).
the answer is 1565 days a year has 365 days in it and a week has 7. 4 years have 1460 days because 365 * 4 = 1460 and 15 weeks have 105 days because 15 * 7 = 105. 1460 + 105 = 1565. if one of the years was a leap year then the answer will be 1564.
1.565 liters
The word 'joy' appears 114 times in the KJV (years 1611 and 1769) Bible.
The word 'joy' appears 114 times in the KJV (years 1611 and 1769) Bible.
1607 to 1611 when he was mutinied by his crew
IT was found in 1611. This means it is 400 years old.Gurjot Singh Sodhi
In 1565 the Spanish built St.Augustine,in Florida.