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Q: How many years did the tv show Mash run?
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How many years did MASH run?


How many years did Mash run on TV?

11 yrs

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29 years

How many people in a mash unit?

Average MASH unit will have: Nine doctors, 29 nurses and some 159 other soldiers which in all make up a typical MASH unit. MASH 4077-the TV Series, although was very correct in their medical protocal but seriously lacked the number of people it really takes to run a MASH.

What happened to aileen craft show?

The Aleene Craft Show was a popular craft show which aired different channels over the years such as Lifetime, and The Nashville Network. The show had a successful run for many years but went off the air in the year 2000.

Is mash the longest tv run?

The CBS television series M*A*S*H (1972-83) ran for 11 seasons. The longest running nonfiction television show is Meet the Press which is in its 67th year. For a fictional series, The Guiding Light was on for 57 years and The Simpsons has been on the air for 25 years.

How long did mash run?

11 Seasons. 1972-1983

How many years did the Jackson 5 variety show run for?

It ran for one season in 1977, each show lasted 30 minutes and there were 12 episodes in total.

How long was MASH on the air?

The television series MASH aired from September 17, 1972 to February 28, 1983 an 11-year run.

How many years did the tv show friends run?

The television show "Friends" aired in the United States for 10 seasons.Friends aired for 10 seasons from 1994-2004.

Was 4077 MASH ever a real outfit?

No. The 4077 was a fictional outfit in the novel MASH by Richard Hooker. His real Name was H. Richard Hornberger,M.D., and he was, in fact, a surgeon during the Korean War. He worked at a REAL MASH Unit: the 8055th, and his books are based upon his experiences as a surgeon there. In fact, many of the plot lines from the show are taken directly from Hooker's experience. There were, also, many army surgeons who wrote in suggesting stories for plot lines that were actually used during the run of the series.

Who played hot lips houlihan in the MASH TV show's first shows?

Loretta Swit played the role of Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan during the entire run of the series.