In Star Wars episode 1 Padmè Amidala (Queen Amidala) is 14 years old.
Carrie Fisher (born October 21, 1956) turned 20 years old during the filming of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope in 1976.
The Death Star featured in several of the Star Wars movies and was most prominently featured in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
The length between the first and last movie is 28 years. 1977-2005. If you include Clone Wars, it's 31 years. 1977-Present (since the TV show is still on TV).
Femi Taylor played as Oola in Star Wars Episode 6.
The star date given in the first regular series episode of Star Trek is 1312.4
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace came out 22 years after Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (it should be noted it was just called Star Wars until 1983)
The first episode of star wars to come out on dvd (which was episode IV) was in 1977. according to my sister
If you mean the film from 1977, it was just called "Star Wars." But if you're talking about the 4th film that's commonly known as "Episode 1," it is named "The Phantom Menace."
John Wayne introduced the first episode of gunsmoke.
In Star Wars episode 1 Padmè Amidala (Queen Amidala) is 14 years old.
The Star Trek episode The Cage can be found in the first season of the original television show. It was actually the pilot episode for the show, the first one that was shown.
Episode 3 I think....
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, 1977; Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, 1980; and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, 1983.
'Bout, 13 years.
Star Wars by 2 years. Star Wars Episode IV was released on May 25, 1977. Star Trek, The Motion Picture was released December 7, 1979.
Star Wars Episode XXXVIII - 10 Years Later - 2014 was released on: USA: 29 January 2014 (internet)