A living human can eat 1/3 of a watermelon if the watermelon is small enough, but a human cant eat a whole in 3sec.
He's someone that get many pictures with celebrities. His last name is not Kardashian he has no relation to any kardashian whatsoever
Well, there are many types of outlaws and Herod and many people see them differently. So some you see a hero could be an outlaw for someone else.
Homosexuality is actually often something widely practiced between many Greek Gods. It wasn't a strictly man - woman relationship ideal. If they were attracted to someone, then they were attracted to someone. It didn't matter what the gender of the person was.
If you want to slap someone hard then: backhand slap the person fast then quickly slap them with your front hand. This really hurts I have done it to so many people and they scream!
One can purchase the movie Stigmata in many stores. These stores include Walmart, Target and Sears. It can also be purchased online at Amazon and eBay.
there are 86400 secends in a day.
over 100,00
1000/60 = 16.67
Need average speed and distance to calculate.
Oh, dude, there are 3,600 seconds in an hour. So, like, if you ever need to know how many seconds you've wasted watching cat videos instead of being productive, just do the math. But hey, who's counting, right? Time is just a social construct, man.
There are many but ill name a few: River Thames River Seven River Humber River Chelmer River Cann River Meon River Waveney And many more look on wiki!
Yes, lions can drool like other mammals. They may drool in response to stress, excitement, or anticipation of food. Drooling is a natural physiological response in many animals.
Truthfully you cann sleep all day if you really want. I think your question is how many hours should you sleep per day. and the answer to that depends on how old you are. Teen are 6 to 9 hr. and adults require more like 8 to 10 hrs.
As Many As They Want.
Someone in the Dark has 335 pages.
write to someone is the correct word although many people say write someone