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182 times, the band "Blink 182" is named after this.

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15y ago

About every 2 or 3 words was swearing in the movie Goodfellas

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12y ago

They do not say it at all in the first one, though they say it four times in the second one.

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Q: How many times the F word used in Godfather movies?
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How many times is the word 'mafia' used in The Godfather?

The word 'mafia' is not used in 'The Godfather'.

How many times is the word 'mafia' used in The Godfather II?

none, zero.

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No, monsters do not actually exist. Monsters are fictional characters used in books and movies. Many times monsters are used to scare people in movies and books.

How many times are curse words used in movies?

It's impossible to count. Thousands of movies are made every year all over the world.

What was the name of the character in The Godfather that Marlon Brando was?

Marlon Brando played Vito Corleone in "The Godfather" and "The Godfather II." In the movies he is often addressed as "Don Corleone." Don is a title of respect, rather than a name, (it is roughly the Italian equivalent of "Sir") that is often used to address the head of a "family" in the Italian Mafia.

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not to many(if any) movies, but many UK tv series have used their music

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i used to have "The Godfather" on PS2 & i now have "The Godfather II" on PS3. What I think is that, the GF2 is better for graphics but the GF1 is more fun to play.

When to capitalize godfather?

All words are capitalized at the beginning of the sentence, commonnouns and propernouns included.Mother or father is a commonnoun but it is capitalized when it is used as a title or precedes a person'sname or when it is used as a direct address.Examples:I went shopping with Mother Theresa yesterday.Are you home, Father?

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his works are used in schools his plays are being performed all over the world movies have been made of his plays his works are read by many people his is quoted many times in movies, tv shows, books people are fascinated by him

Mobster favor points?

Are used with the godfather for rewards or bonuses

Why were there so many oranges in The Godfather?

His family, the Corlioni's, ran a commercial orange orchard for a living. This was used as the cover for the mafia's nefarious activities.

Do you say I use to go to the movies or I used to go to the movies?

I used to go to the movies.