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Q: How many times has troy kissed Gabriela?
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Has troy and Gabriela had kissed?

Yes, they have. Six times, too! Their first kiss was actually 3 kisses (HSM2) and in HSM3 they were pretty much making out!

When troy bolten kisses?

yes! he has kissed venasa lots of times

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Why is Gabriela saying goodbye to troy?

because hes a tweener because hes a tweener

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Troy and Gabriella naked

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Who many times did they build troy?

they build troy over six times and they were all stacked on top of each other and they found where troy was in homers time (the creator of the illiad and the oddessey)

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Are Gabriela and Troy really getting married or are they just say that to get a lot of attention with that real ring but do they really mean when Troy gave a purposal?

shockingly yes, they are getting married march 16 2009

How many times has troy been attacked?

id say about 5 Times....if not the most it could be was probably 7

How does troy get to the musical on time?

Do you mean the callbacks? If so, Taylor and Gabriela mess with the signals and screw up the score board and lighting. The principle anounces that there has been some technical difficulties and that the game will be re-scheduled. Then Troy RUNS!!!