Alicia has two children to date.
It has been confirmed that he cheated on Cheryl with 7 other women.
9 times
Way too many times......
3 times
Once... and they cheated ...
yes and i qouet. " i have cheated many times." - raul martinez
lucas on cheated on brooke. but he cheated on her twice, both times with her best friend peyton.
He cheated on the poor girl EIGHT times. And Napoleon wasn't even that cute. ----- Napoleon cheated on Josephine eight times, but at the time, it was normal for a person in a high position to do so. In all actuality, he only cheated on her as revenge for her cheating on him. And he actually was very hot.
Zeus cheated on Hera many times with many different women. The most notable was Alcmene, the mother of Hercules.
Double betrayed
Alicia has two children to date.
Alicia Keys has 4 kids.
Alicia has two children to date.
it was pretty bad as zues cheated o her many times on many different women. Because of thsi she took it out on us humans and she tried to kill him many times
If you gave him a few chances to change, and if he does not or he is not willing to do so, then dump him.
Alicia is 4 months pregnant