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Only once at the end of the book when he releases all of his emotions out because of the "loss of innocence, the darkness of man's heart" and the death of Piggy.

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Q: How many times does Ralph cry in lord of the flies?
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In chapter three of Lord of the Flies how many huts are made?

In chapter three: Huts on the Beach Ralph and Simon are in the process of constructing the third shelter.

Why are flies such an appropriate metaphor in Lord of the Flies?

In the book, the kids refer to the littluns as insects. Piggy even says that he couldn't remember all their names because there were SO many. Thus, they are considered to be like swarming flies. Too many to count, and insect-like. That is one reason why the book is called Lord of the Flies. The other reason is that from time immemorial, one of the many names for Satan has been "The Lord of the Flies". The older boys (excluding Piggy) are the Lords of the Flies. The protagonist, Ralph, is THE Lord of the Flies. Satan is the embodiment of all that is evil. This is eventually what the boys become as time goes on - truly evil.

What was a complication in Lord of the Flies?

There were many complications in the novel Lord of The Flies such as; the fact that Jack was on of two dominant characters in the novel however Jack failed to acknowledge Ralph's democratic way of ruling the other boys on the island which lead to a major complication and a downfall in the boys society.

Why is enormity used so many times in lord of the flies?

Its used to show how what there talking about is having such a hug impact on them

In lord of the flies how many huts have the boys manage to build?

3the first one they all build the second one a group of themthen the third one only Simon & Ralph

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