dr dre has been confirmed to be able to bench press 425 lbs.
"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, born July 22, 1965, is a current WWE wrestling star. It is rumored that he is able to bench press 400 pounds.
great khali can sq 660 pounds en schoulderpress 350. ik think Jones sq en dl over 800 pounds en bench over 500
he weighd 4 pounds :)Depends on which grille he's got in.
about 1155lbs
Jason Taylor was a linebacker for the New York Jets and also played for the Miami Dolphins. Jason can bench press 225 pounds.
more than 400 pounds
It took me about 6 months to be able to bench press 225 pounds.
he can bench press 225 Tiger woulds can bench press 190lbs.
He can bench press around 800 pounds without a suit.
238 pounds
300+ pounds.
Chuck Liddell can bench press 50 billion infinty......infinity times quatrillion pounds. Give or take a few pounds.
800 pounds!! isn't that crazy and he could bench press 500 when he was 17!! CRAZY!!
Scott Steiner has reportedly stated he can bench press over 600 pounds. Others documented he has bench pressed 645 pounds.
Suh bench presses about 470 pounds. almost 170 pounds more than what he weighs!