Nikki has between 12-15 piercings. Six in each ear (including tragus), tongue, nose and bellybutton. Nikki also has a tattoo on her left wrist.
Nicki Minaj had 3. Regular lobe piercings and 1 2nd one above her lobe on her left ear. She took it out and it closed in 2006.
Nikki Reed, plays rosalie
No, it's just a rumour made by a person agaisnt Nikki Reed for some insane reason.
Nicole "Nikki" Reed is 29 years old (birthdate: May 17, 1988).
No, Crystal Reed and Nikki Reed are not siblings or related in any way. Crystal and Nikki may have the last name but are not related
Nikki Reed, plays rosalie
Nikki Reed Nikki Reed
I am related to Sierra and can answer this.... Sierra is not related to Nikki Reed.
Her name is Nikki Reed
No, it's just a rumour made by a person agaisnt Nikki Reed for some insane reason.
Nikki Reed was born on May 17, 1988.
Nicole "Nikki" Reed is 29 years old (birthdate: May 17, 1988).
Nikki Reed plays Rosalie Hale/Cullen.
Yes, Nikki Reed wears glasses and contacts.
Yes, Nikki Reed has one older brother named Nathan.
Many actresses auditioned for the role of Rosalie Hale in the "Twilight" series, but it was ultimately given to Nikki Reed. Reed impressed the filmmakers with her performance and her understanding of the character.
No, Crystal Reed and Nikki Reed are not siblings or related in any way. Crystal and Nikki may have the last name but are not related