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Basically if Justin Bieber were about to fall off a cliff and die 75% would be cheering 24% would be crying and 1% wouldn't know who he was so basically I'm not saying no one likes him just very few people xxx.

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Q: How many people like Justin Bieber?
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How many people don't like Justin bieber?

Theres over a thousand people in the world that hates Justin bieber

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Justin Bieber became famous for posting lots of videos that many people like on Youtube.

Why people hates Bieber?

The correct way in to write this answer in English is "Why do people hate Justin Bieber?" Many people like Justin Bieber, but some people think that he sings in a high voice so he sounds a little like a girl. He is Canadian.

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It depends who you like. Many people do not consider Justin Bieber to be a sensation merely a passing fad.

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probably about the same amount of people who like him?!?

How many people across Canada love Justin bieber?

everybody that likes Justin bieber is so gay Justin bieber sucks

How many people are fans of justin bieber?

15,595,303 are Justin Bieber fans and 89% of them are homosexual.