Sofia Duarte Silva's birth name is Ana Sofia Rosmaninho Duarte Silva.
Yes, her name is Sofia (Ning) Tabujara, she's also a dancer from Press P.L.A.Y
Kellie Everts's birth name is Rosa Sofia Jakstas.
well. there are many, many,many people named brianna devito in this world and at least 1 of them has to be a celebrity.
Minimus. And he's a pony, not a horse.
Sofia is a pretty name. Many famous people are named that.
There is no precise number, but Sofia is a popular name in many cultures and countries around the world, so there are likely thousands or even millions of people named Sofia.
Well, in someone's opinion Sofia would be the best name ever. But to some other people, Sofia is not the best name ever. Henceforth Sofia being the best name ever is an opinion.
Sofia Aliberti's birth name is Sofia Parlama.
Sofia Jozeffi's birth name is Sofia Lipkina.
Sofia Gyllenhammar's birth name is Sofia sberg.
Sofia Helin's birth name is Sofia Margareta Helin.
Sofia Coppola's birth name is Sofia Carmina Coppola.
Sofia Bobtcheva's birth name is Sofia Stefanova Bobtcheva.
Sofia Randel's birth name is Sofia Marina Randel.
Sofia Nicholson's birth name is Sofia Dubois Nicholson.
Sofia Vassilieva's birth name is Sofia Vladimirovna Vassilieva.