The name "Jessica" has been among the top 5 popular names for girls born in the US between 1977 and 1997.
Jessica Bangkok's birth name is Jessica Batuhan.
Jessica Pentland's birth name is Jessica Lyn Pentland.
Jessica Ferstand's birth name is Jessica Devra Ferstand.
Jessica Bork's birth name is Jessica Jeanne Bork.
Jessica Fried's birth name is Jessica Allison Megan Fried.
Jessica Simpson Jessica Alba etc...
Which "Jessica Newman" is the question about?I googled "Jessica Newman" and there are many girls by that name.There is a model by the name of Jessica Newman.There is a Jessica Newman who is the sister of actress Ryan Newman.There is an artist from New Zealand by the name of Jessica Newman.There is an equestrian by the name of Jessica Newman.There is a high school girls basketball player by the name of Jessica Newman
It is written Jessica, but the pronouncation is different. Indonesian people will pronounce it Jessiica.
Jessica Donohoe's birth name is Jessica Webster.
Jessica Soss's birth name is Jessica Baron.
Jessica Simonsson's birth name is Jessica Cederholm.
Jessica Janos's birth name is Jessica Boyle.
Jessica Jaymes's birth name is Jessica Redding.
Jessica Chandler's birth name is Jessica Greser.
Jessica Boehrs's birth name is Jessica Boehrs.
Jessica Oyelowo's birth name is Jessica Watson.