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Because its rubbish and I can't be bothered to read the book.

The film gives a bad impression of the whole series. I, a Twilight Series fan myself, hate the film. But the books are awesome.

I have seen the film but I have only read the first book. I loved the film but not so much the book but then I'm not a big twilight fan and I dont read much.

Because these people have a good sense for books. Twilight doesn't make any sense Breaking Dawn is a waste of paper. Bella has a baby and these stupid old vampires come to kill the Cullen family. Then they train each other for battle and like 50 other stupid vampires come along, then they end up not fighting at all. How stupid is the whole series, and what is the point of new moon? I bet it "represents Bella's andJjacobs friendship" but you could have a whole 3 or so chapters devoted to that, not a whole book! And honestly what is the point of Eclipse? There is no point. Edward proposes to Bella, and in the end, they end up fighing other vampires which is so increadibly stupid.

To sum this up, I think breaking dawn is a waste of time to read and a complete waste of paper. People actually only like this because Bella and Edward end up kissing every 50 words or so. And I think their popularity grew because girls think Robert and Taylor are hot. I do not mean to offend anyone, but this is an answer that requires an opinion, and that is my opinion, and to me its a fact.

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14y ago
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12y ago

well its hard to say because the series is done and its getting boring before i think alot of people hated it because it was all romance and no action

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