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well if Justin Bieber were jumping off of a cliff 97% would be eating popcorn telling him to hurry up.... while the other 13% would be begging him not to do it would be eating popcorn telling him to hurry up....

And EVERYONE apparently hates him enough to draw/rip up a little girls poster (of Justin bieber)..... shes only 5 i know tht Everyone HATES him though.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Over 1.000 people love Justin Bieber because at least 50 people from every single country loves Justin Bieber.
over 10,000,000 people in only America Theres no way you could count how many people love Justin bieber. Because obviously he has many fans with the i love you posters. If you want to find out, Good luck counting!


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13y ago

He is a world popstar people all around in the world like him. So the answer is countless. If he sucks so bad (according to all u haters) then how did he become so famous so fast and (ahem) sell out Madison Square Garden in 22 minutes??? So, clearly, there are waaaayyyy more lovers than haters. and deserves EVERYTHING he has. He worked hard for it and made his dream come true. And yes, it was a rare chance that Scooter Braun happened to find him, but it was a good one that changed his life for the better. I<3him.nobody likes jb

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14y ago
Not Justin Bieber FansHate is a very strong word. I'll use dislike instead. It's impossible to say how many people dislike Justin Bieber or something about him, whether it's his hair, his music, or something else about him. There is simply no data available for how many people dislike him.
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13y ago
Not Justin Bieber FansHere are some opinions from people who are not Justin Bieber fans:
  • I for one don't like him ( Even though I've never met him) or his songs or his voice or the way he looks. Its just what I think. I'm sure he is a nice guy and if loads of people like him, it must be true. But I and many other people just don't like him.
  • I don't know how many people dislike Justin Beiber, but me and my best friends all hate him! So there is another 5 for ya!
  • It's impossible to say how many people dislike Justin Bieber or something about him, whether it's his hair, his music, or something else about him. There is simply no data available for how many people dislike him.
  • Justin Beiberes music is just to airheaded. I mean come on "one less lonley girl" bargh. Justin Bieber is actually gay to! EWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya no... A lot of people are against this dude that suddenly got famous off the imfomus site of YouTube! And I'm one of those people.... This guy put up a video and someone just happen to watch it and then he got famous ! I mean wat if i went and made a video would i get famous .... NO! Even if someone did have the same musical talent as him would they get famous .... Probably not.... The point iz that he doesn't have style iz gay az crap and iz dating a girl that iz a coverup for the GUY he iz really dating GROSS!

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14y ago

Well he has almost 6 million followers on twitter and over 10 million fans on facebook so probably way over 15 million people love him, including me! :)

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10y ago

most girls and boys do like Justin bieber while some girls and boys don't
Actually, a lot of people do. He's very popular. He has over 7 million followers on Twitter.

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14y ago

99% boys and 1% girls

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Q: How many people hate Justin Bieber?
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Many people hate Justin Bieber.

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How many people does Justin Bieber hate?

No one!! He loves everyone.

How many people hate Justin bieber in Ireland?

Everyone hates him

Why do people hate on Canada?

Because Justin bieber is from there and many other people not liked.

How many people don't like Justin bieber?

Theres over a thousand people in the world that hates Justin bieber

Do people hate Justin Bieber?

Yes some people hate him but not many. Some people just dont like his voice or songs.

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how long will it be until justin bieber will loose his fans his job how many people hate justin bieber is most of them guys or there girls involed too?

How many hate Justin bieber?

I am a belieber but am shocked to say that just over half of the people in america hate jb :(

Why people hates Bieber?

The correct way in to write this answer in English is "Why do people hate Justin Bieber?" Many people like Justin Bieber, but some people think that he sings in a high voice so he sounds a little like a girl. He is Canadian.

Why do people hate hate Justin Bieber?

Music preference is a personal matter. Some people hate a particular singer because the music is not their particular preference. Since every one has a different style, an individual singer can be despised by certain consumers. Not everyone loves the same things, and so it is with Justin Bieber or anyone else.

How many people hate life in America?

first of all pertty AMRAN and HANNAH MONTANA love their LIFES but i know JB or JUSTIN BIEBER hate their lifes. HANAH MONTANA is so COOL she ROCKS and JUSTIN BIEBER is so so so DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!