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Paul and Ringo are left. Pete Best, who was fired just before they got big, is also still alive.

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Q: How many people are left from the beatles 2011?
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How many albusdid the beatles do?

i think you mean to ask-"How many ALBUMS did the beatles do ?". I think they recorded 12 official albums in all.

How many Beatles remakes did Aerosmith do?

2 im down helterskelter

How many fans did The Beatles have?

The Official Beatles Fan Club (run by their own company) boasted 30,000 members at its peak. The Beatles Monthly magazine peaked with 300,000 subscribers. Besides that, there were the thousands who attended their shows, and the millions who bought their records.

How many names did the Beatles have before they settled on The Beatles?

They had two (or possibly three) names before they became the Beatles. Way before the Beatles were famous, they were teenagers playing in a band called The Quarrymen; this name came from a local high school the band members attended. (Note that the lineup of the Quarrymen was not the same as what ultimately became the Beatles, although it was started by John Lennon. Paul McCartney joined the band in 1957 and George Harrison in 1958. Ringo Starr was not a member of that band.) When the Quarrymen traveled to Germany, they added a new member (Stu Sutcliffe) and changed to the Silver Beetles, although some sources say they were first called the Beatals. The spelling of Silver Beetles became Silver Beatles, and then finally, the band settled on The Beatles sometime in 1960.

How many songs did the Beatles record?

The Beatles recorded and released 214 different songs on original release albums, EP's and singles, about 20 of which were not written by the Beatles. Some of these songs were recorded more than once, but a little differently and re-released. Two songs were recorded in German in the early days. The Beatles also recorded many songs that were never released. Some of these turned up on post-Beatles solo albums.

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How many people in Japan 2011 earthquake were left homeless?

12,000 people

How many people in the world love the beatles?

Anyone who likes classic rock, will love the beatles. A lot of people.

Who are The Beatles commonly mistaken for?

Many people seem to get the Beatles mixed up with The group Electric Light Orchestra. People also think that the Beatles and the Bee Gees are the same band.

Why did the Beatles form the band?

they wanted to inspire many people with their music

How many boys were in the band Beatles?

There were four people that were a part of the band.

How many fans watched the Beatles at Shea stadium in 1965?

56,000 people where there.

How many days left until 2011?

4 ohur's left

How many people like The Beatles?

Countless millions. They were far and away the world's most popular band of all time. But who doesn't like The Beatles?!?!?!?!?!

How many weeks left in 2011?


Who were the people on the conver of the beatles sergeant peppers lonley herats?

There are many, many people on the cover of that album, including Shirley Temple.

Are there any unreleased Beatles songs left to be released?

Not many. Beatles biographer and archivist Mark Lewisohn told Rolling Stone in 1989 that enough recordings were left over for another five albums; virtually all of these were issued with the Beatles Anthology discs in 1995 and 1996. Other tracks remain, but were not approved for release by the surviving Beatles, or John Lennon's estate.

How many Mondays left in 2011?

17 i think