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Q: How many people are killed in prison?
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At least 31 inmates were killed in the Altamira prison fight in January 2012. The violence erupted between two rival gangs, resulting in a deadly confrontation.

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Because he killed people.

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how many people went to prison in the bible

What is Christian persecution?

it when people are killed or put into prison for expressing their belief in God.

How many people were killed as a result of the Salem Witch Trial?

19 hanged 1 pressed to death 4-13 died in prison

Should people go 2 prison 4 murder?

Yes. If I killed your family, would you send me to prison? Well... you'd probably want me killed. I live in Australia, I'm safe!

How are they punished if they break a law in India?

they would put people in prison, or have them killed depending on what they did.

How many people were killed by dehydration during the holocaust?

Not many, there were some who were held in 'starvation cells' and others in the prison blocks may well have died through lack of water.

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2996 people were killed btw its how many people were killed lol

What did adolf hitler do bad?

He killed 11 million people. He tried to take over the world. He hated everyone who was against him. He was a doublecrosser. he burned many people in prison he separated families