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Q: How many people are called lily?
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Does calla lily represent death?

The Calla lily does not represent death, although many people have them displayed at funerals. The Calla lily represents beauty.

What is the lily pad flower called?


How do you say the English name Lily in French?

Lily - the girl's name doesn't exist in French - the flower is called 'un lys', but there are many kinds of lily and they all have different names in French.

What is lily called in Hindi language?

Lily is called "सुसंगणी" (Susangani) in Hindi language.

What is the middle if a calla lily called?

The center of a calla lily is called the spadix. These flowers are not actually related to the true lily.

What are the pink lily like flower on a tall leafless stem?

This is called a surprise lily, resurrection lily or naked lady lily.

What is the ''stinking corpse lily''?

A stinking corpse lily is a lily that smells like a dead corpse. That's why it is called "corpse" lily. (:

Lily plant and the flower looks a red hibiscus flower What kind of lily it is?

# It is called the Lily of the Wetlands.

What is the water lily's genus and species name?

There are many genus and species called water lily but all are usually in the two families Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonaceae.

When does lily of the valley grow?

Lily of the Valley or Convallaria majalis grows in late spring. It is no longer in the lily family. It now is part of the Asparagaceae family. It can be invasive and is poisonous. But many people love the smell.

How many children does Paul Wratten have?

Paul Wratten Has Two Children Called Eleanor And Lily.

Is threre anyone famous called lily?

Lily Allen is a famous singer