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Q: How many people are addicted to television worldwide?
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How many people worldwide watch TV?

I have no idea how many people watch television worldwide, but too many is probably an understatement.

In Pokemon Emerald where do you buy a TV for secret base?

Unfortunately there is no TV in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald for a secret base. Many people worldwide will be upset. :(

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How many people watched 9.11 on TV?

im guessing billions worldwide, its the most famous impactful event in tv history, almost everyone on the planet know the event

How many people have tv in the world?

There are around 1.6 billion households worldwide with television, but the exact number of individuals with access to TV varies as multiple individuals often share one television set.

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There were 1900 guests in Westminster Abbey, an estimated 1 million people on the processional route and an estimated worldwide television audience of 2 billion.

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A LOT of people.

How many television sets are there worldwide?

As of 2014, it is estimated that there are 1.4 billion television sets worldwide. In the United States alone, the number is roughly 300 million.

How many people watch the moon landing in tv?

It is estimated that over 500 million people worldwide watched the moon landing on TV on July 20, 1969. It was a historic event that captivated the entire world.

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There are over a billion people addicted to elrctronics because they stay on there for a long time and get addicted to the light that is how many people and why they are addicted to elcetronics

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