No one.. The eldest person in the world died the year. She was 114 years old. Hopes this helps.
Wanda Hawley was born on July 30, 1895 and died on March 18, 1963. Wanda Hawley would have been 67 years old at the time of death or 120 years old today.
Lucian Blaga was born on May 9, 1895 and died on May 6, 1961. Lucian Blaga would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 120 years old today.
estimated about 356,000,000 people are over 70 years old in the world
Robert Pattinson is 31 years old (birthdate: May 13, 1986).
Bevil Rudd was born on October 5, 1894 and died on February 2, 1948. Bevil Rudd would have been 53 years old at the time of death or 120 years old today.
120 months
72 years old
1.32788599 years or 1 year and 120 days
1889 it is 120 years old
There are no people in Ontario that are over 1,000 years old. In fact, there are no people in the entire world who have reached that age, or anywhere near it.
Two and a half years old.
she is 120 years old
120 years old
yes kauri trees can be older than 120 years old some are older than 300 years old
ten years old would be one hundred twenty (120) months. but why not make it simple and just say ten years old?
There are approximately 100,000 people in the U.S. who are over 100 years old (from Wikipedia)
about 120 in dog years