There are 4 novels and 1 novella in The Twilight Series.
Twilight - 498
New Moon - 563
Eclipse - 628
Breaking Dawn - 768
and The short second life of bree tanner - 178.
All pages: 2635.
The Servants of Twilight has 432 pages.
374+388+391=1,153 pages
246 words total in Twilight. Not that many but he is awesome.
I think it's on how the days going and how fast you read. It's different for every one.
At the beginning of the series, there are 7 Cullens: Dr. Carlisle Esme Emmett Jasper Rosalie Alice and Edward
Around 4,850 pages.
The first installment of "The Twilight Saga" has a total of 434 pages. The Next book in the sequel has 563 pages The third book, Eclipse, has 628 pages and the fourth book has 756 (Including the "Vampire index" at the very back of the book. So the total number of pages are 2381.
Tara of the Twilight has 288 pages.
The Servants of Twilight has 432 pages.
Twilight of the Idols has 208 pages.
Twilight Eyes has 464 pages.
Crossroads of Twilight has 704 pages.
Jedi Twilight has 368 pages.
Planet of Twilight has 416 pages.
The Twilight of Briareus has 255 pages.
The Twilight of Atheism has 306 pages.
A Caress of Twilight has 441 pages.