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Q: How many octaves is joni mitchell's voice?
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How rare is it for a person to be able to match their voice to every key on a piano?

It is extremely rare for a person to be able to match their voice to every key on the piano. Not many people have a vocal range above an octave. Many professional singers can not sing more than two octaves. Three octaves is quite difficult. Four octaves is rare. And five octaves makes the history books.

How many octaves does Regine Velasquez have?

regine velasquez has a 3-6 octave notes all of that in some songs hit by her in full chest voice and some are in falsetto of head tone :)

What kind of voice does Kelly Clarkson have like what type and how many octaves?

AnswerKelly Clarkson actually created her own genre of music which is sort of pop, rock, beats, country and hip-hop.

How many octaves can a baritone sax play?

7 octaves

How many octaves in 31 band eq?

31 octaves

How many octaves does rob halford have?

He has a 5 octaves. Halford has 4 full octaves, ranging from D2 through B5.

How many octaves does Ronnie James dio have?

He has 4 octaves.

How many octaves can you sing in if you can sing 21 notes?

2 octaves and 3 notes.

How many octaves to middle c in a piano?

There are 3 octaves till middle C on the piano.

How many octaves is a vibraphone?

It depends on the vibraphone, but the standard vibraphone is 3 octaves, from F to F.

How many octaves is E3-G5 sharp?

From E2 to B5 is 3 octaves and 7 notes. If that happens to be your singing vocal range, congratulations! Not many people have a range that wide.

How many medals has Lauren mitchells won?

3 bronze medals