A daughter named Charlotte Simpson who was born on April 13, 1990 .
German... Possibly English.
Bear Grylls can speak English, French, German, Gaelic (Scotland) and Mandarin. suck on that!!
John Cleese only speaks one language, which is English.
Sigourney Weaver has 1 child
A daughter named Charlotte Simpson who was born on April 13, 1990 .
Four total: Alien Aliens Alien 3 Alien Resurrection
How many languages did general Douglas MacArthur speak?
He can speak 43 different languages! he is AMAZING!
she can speak 2 languages spanish and english
In the movie "Hugo Cabret," Georges Melies's wife is Jeanne d'Alcy. She was an actress who appeared in many of his films.
If you are bilingual, you speak two languages. Being bilingual means having the ability to communicate effectively in two languages.
In India there are many languages and not confined to Hindus or so. Many Hindus speak many different languages in India
Polyglot means someone who can speak multiple languages.