He actually had FOUR children all together, two of which was a set of twins which died shortly after birth. Wikipedia needs to fix their answer also. Sad he was such an important part of history, and so many people don't recognize his two children who died.
Yes, two sons, Declan James and Kenyon Jesse
No, Jesse James is not single.
Jesse James Hollywood has 1 child
no they are not related sorry. Jesse James grew up in Missouri. he is in my family tree. Jesse vernon grew up in Texas and later moved to Missouri. mabey friends but not related
Yes, Jesse James has 4 kids.
Yes, Jesse James Hollywood has 1 kids
Yes, Jesse James Hollywood has 1 kids
He has one son, Nigel Thomas Dupree.
No he did not kill kill kids because he had kids
Jesse James has 4 children
Jesse James has 4 children
Jesse James Hollywood has 1 child
Jesse Eisenberg has 1 child
Yes, two sons, Declan James and Kenyon Jesse