all the pirates of the carribean movies have jack sparrow in them which is 3 films plus the new movie on stranger tides makes it 4 films
Jack Sparrow - song - was created on 2011-05-07.
Johny Depp played the role of jack sparrow in the pirates of the caribbean.
To answer this honestly i would have to say Jack Sparrow but to answer this as a fan i would have to say Gandalf.
johnny depp
Jack Sparrow doesn't have a daughter. Not in the first 3 movies anyway. :)
Jack Sparrow was a character in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Johnny Depp acted as Captain Jack Sparrow and he lives in Kentucky. He also has a home in the south of France and in England.
Jack Sparrow is a character from the Disney movies Pirates of the Carabbean (5th one is planned sometime soon) who is played by actor Johnny Depp.
A lot of people co-starred with Johnny Depp. The main actors/actresses areOrlando Bloom (Will Turner)Keira Knightley (Elizabeth Swann)Geoffrey Rush (Hector Barbossa)Naomie Harris (Tia Dalma)Stellan Starksgard (Will "Bootstrap Bill" Turner)Bill Nighy (Davy Jones)Jack Davenport (Norrington)
John Christopher Depp ll - aka Johnny Depp played the free-spirited and decidedly weird Captain Jack Sparrow in all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Jack Sparrow - song - was created on 2011-05-07.
Johny Depp played the role of jack sparrow in the pirates of the caribbean.
Jack Sparrow was a pirate and pirating is illegal.
Jack Sparrow is white he has a tan
Jak Sparrow
jack sparrow ... funny and clever with it .. he is a legend ..