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there are four

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Q: How many guys are there in music band akcent?
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Which is the biggest band in music?

The Beatles are considered the biggest band in music, as they are popular with lots of different generations and has sold many different hit records.

What kind of test do you have to take to be in band?

All you have to do is try out and play a bit of music. In many schools all you need to do is enroll in the music class and you are in the school band.

What is the genre of music played by the band Abrupt?

The band Abrupt's music can be classified in the genre of Grindcore/Brutal Death Medal. The band is from the San Francisco Bay area and tours often. They have many fans that follow the band from concert to concert.

How is marching band scientific?

Imagine a big band performance. The beautifully complicated music is a result of the many players who make up the band.

Why did the Beatles form the band?

they wanted to inspire many people with their music

Did Lora Petrescu sing any other songs than 'My passion'?

She has featured in many songs by akcent e.g. That's my name. She is also part of a band called Wassabi. Check the link under the related links section for more information.

Where could one go to find free streaming music by the band REM?

There are many steaming music websites that play music by the band, REM. Some examples of these streaming music websites include MTV and Slicing Up Eyeballs.

What kind of music do people listen to in Brazil?

"You wow cracking" band is a band from Brazil, the distinctive way they show the audience the rich and diverse traditional music of Brazil,you can listen to the band's music and then you will know what is the traditional music of Brazil

What kind of music did The Ark play?

The band The Ark enjoys many types of music as well as performs music that they wrote. The genre of music that they write and perform is rock music.

How many teen guys out there like Metal Music?

A ton. Im 11 and I love it.

How many boys in music group JLS?

there is 4 jls members in the band