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Q: How many funk brothers band members are still alive?
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Who were the members of the band The Walker Brothers?

There are three members of the band The Walker Brothers; Scott Walker, Gary Walker and John Walker. The band started in 2964 and all band members are still alive except for Gary who passed away 7 May 2011.

Are the original members of The Band still alive?

If you are inquiring about the original members of the band The Monkeys yes all four members are still alive. Only three of the original members are still part of the band, Davy Jones is considered a former member.

Are the members of The Band still alive?

no they died lol

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all the members are alive However, Mike Nesmith is no longer with the band.

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NO the naked brother band is not dead. they are alive still.

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If you mean music band of brothers then: Jonas Brothers If you mean the film then I am afraid I cannot help you there

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Yes, some members of the Four Seasons are still alive as of 2021. Frankie Valli, the lead singer, is still alive along with some other original members and former bandmates.