Since it's original release in 1937 the movie/film "A Star Is Born" has be made-remade approximately two times to date. They were in 1954 and 1976 respectively.
There have been 23 James Bond films made with the lead roles played by various actors.
There are three Matrix movies: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions. There are also a series of short animated films called The Animatrix.
there have been three beverly hills cop films
An actor born in 1976. Hasn't yet been in any films from the movie studios. He's actually not an actor but a host and producer. He is currently hosting a show on called "Today's Riff" that judges all the internet videos people forward.
Jyothika Saravanan is an Indian actress who appeared in many Tamil films. She was born on October 18, 1978. She was born in Mumbai, India; she has been inactive in the film industry since her marriage.
Jenifer Lopez has been in at least 32 films as of to date, July 31st. 2012....How many she has stared in is a different question....
In Christianity the five point star symbolizes the Star of David. It is also called Bethlehem's star. The star which indicated the Messiah, born of the seed of David had been birthed.
Gianna Lynn who was born on December 3rd 1984, is best known as an American pornography star. Her career started in 2007 and has been in 193 films as of 2010.
No. The character was not created until after all of the films had been released.
Some of the films that Michael Parks starred include The Case of Constant Doyle, The Bible: In the Beginning. Born Harry Samuel Parks, Michael Parks is an american actor and singer who also apperared in several TV serials.
She began amateur acting by the age of twelve. By the time she was fourteen she had starred in her first film. Which was in 1970. Since then she has been in 30 films.
Yoda dies at exactly 900 yrs. old. He is in all of the prequel films and the last 2 original trilogy films.
The planet Venus has at times been called the Morning Star or the Evening Star, although it is not a star.
i think you mean dianna 'agron' and she has been in films like The Romantics, The Hunters and has made some of her own films- Dinner with Raphael and a Fuschia Elephant. She is also set to star in I Am Number Four.
Vijayalakshmi (Rambha) is an Indian film actress that was born in 1974. This star has been in over one hundred films but as of late has not appeared in a film in over two years. Her last appearance in film is titled Filmstar in 2011.
Becky Lesabre is a lesbian adult film star. She has done several straight adult films but most of her previous films have been in the lesbian and soft-core genres.
There has been two predator films and 2 alien vs predator films. So predator has been in four films
Ralph Fiennes has been starred in a number of films ~ see related link below to his filmography .