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Q: How many fans of Doctor Who are there?
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What do you buy Doctor Who fans for christams?

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Who is the worst doctor in Doctor Who?

Sylvestor McCoy (seventh Doctor) seems to be the least popular Doctor amongst the fans.

What are Whovians?

'Whovians' are fans of the BBC show, Doctor Who.

What is the most popular Doctor Who episode?

According to a survey of Doctor Who fans the most popular Doctor Who episode was The End Of Time.

Does the doctor who episode Marco Polo exist?

Doctor Who is unique in that all of its missing episodes survive in audio form, recorded off-air by fans at home. Stills or short video clips have been found for several missing episodes. All 1970s episodes also exist visually in some form, which is not the case for several other series. There are many doctor who fans out there including me!

How many fans does tupac have?

9,975,757,234,576 fans

How many fans does Jesse McCartney have?

how many fans does Jesse McCartney have

Does anyone else hate Rose Tyler from Doctor who?

She is disliked by a lot of fans.

How do you get past the fans in Doctor Who game K9 Deja Vu?

go round the corner and there is a chest open it and get out the ak-47 and kill all the fans

How many Man fans are there worldwide?

Probably as many as there are woman fans in the world.

How many fans dose harry styles have?

How many fans does have harry styles

Is Matt Smith a good actor?

Yes Matt is a good actor, his version of the Doctor is extremely popular amongst Doctor Who fans.