Samantha Esteban's birth name is Becker, Samantha Marie.
Samantha Geimer's birth name is Samantha Jane Gailey.
Samantha's full name is Samaria Lilly Boscarino
Samantha gwendown Cameron
What are the name of the Famous People who Have had Scurvy
i say about 6000000
As of 2021, it is estimated that there are around 500,000 people with the first name Samantha in the United States. The popularity of the name may vary in different regions and countries.
It is impossible to know the number of Samantha's in Washington without having proper documentation for all of them. However, there were 233 baby girl's named Samantha in Washington in 2008.
Stephanie is better because a lot of people use that name fu if you say Samantha is a better name
There is no specific data available to determine how many individuals named Samantha die each day. The number of people with the name Samantha who die on a daily basis would vary and is not tracked in a comprehensive manner.
Joe is short for Joseph. Many famous persons have that name.
Samantha Esteban's birth name is Becker, Samantha Marie.
Samantha Geimer's birth name is Samantha Jane Gailey.
Samantha MacIvor's birth name is Samantha Twyford.
Samantha MacLachlan's birth name is Samantha I. MacLachlan.
Samantha Kaine's birth name is Samantha Banton.