December 16th
Lisa BonetMaggy Gylinhaal
16th of august. don't know the year
Nick Jonas was born on September 16, 1992
around the 16th of march so only a few months.
Your sign if you birthday is on March 16th is Aries
16th march
If your birthday was before today(March 16th) you are 14. If your birthday was after tdaoy(March 16th) you are still 13.
16th March 1990
March 16th, 1941
March 16th 1967 ( i am his reletive)
Matthew Scott Montgomery's birthday is March 16th, 1978.
Well, all i know is that Justin Bieber got a car from usher on his Birthday which is March 1st! not March 14th!
Well 4th of february is my birthday so yes!
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On March 16, 1881, the most famous circus of all, Barnum & Bailey , debuted.Yes, a noteworthy event today, March 16th in history was when Texas approved its Constitution in 1836.
Suppose it was Monday 16th March 2009. They would say it "Monday the 16th of March twenty ought nine"